Dumgoyne - 427m
Tuesday 19th August 2014

Weather/Conditions: See photos!
Distance/Ascent/Time: 3.2km / 400m / 1h 15m
Accompanying: Alone

If I recall right (and I'm pretty sure I do), this evening I'd been intending to do this as a run, then finding myself slowing up. In the end I spent a good deal of it chatting with the Gibson family who are also pretty local to Dumgoyne. I'd met Douglas a few years previously on the same hill. Not much in the way of recollection, the pictures probably do most justice!

Times (Time relative to 0.00)
(0.00) 8.15pm Layby, Glengoyne
(0.45) 8.50pm Dumgoyne
(1.15) c.9.30pm Layby, Glengoyne
Written: 2016-09-13